About Ride The Willapa

Ride The Willapa is an annual family-friendly, all-ages and all-abilities bike ride on the Willapa Hills Trail and surrounding roads in west Lewis County, Washington. Since its inception in 2016, Ride The Willapa has been the primary fundraising mechanism for the Lewis County Community Trails Association (LCCT), a local nonprofit whose work benefits trails and recreational opportunities in Lewis County.
We started in 2016 as the Willapa Hills Trail Fat Tire Ride & Festival, celebrating the brand-new bridges and gravel surface that made a bike ride between Chehalis and Pe Ell on a trail away from traffic possible! With more construction on the Willapa Hills Trail needed, profits generated from the ride between 2016 and 2019 were poured back into the trail, as LCCT used profits from the ride to match grant requests for construction.
Since that first ride in 2016, we’ve grown and expanded our ride offerings, while at the same time keeping our ride friendly and fun. When you Ride The Willapa, you can choose as many miles of the trail as you wish to ride, at your own pace. It doesn’t matter whether this is your first organized ride or you’ve been riding for years — RTW is a ride that features an inclusive community for all who love to explore the trail on two wheels!
About the Lewis County Community Trails Association
Founded in 2007, LCCT has provided matching funds and support to leverage more than $20 million in federal and state grants for trails and recreational facilities across Lewis County.
LCCT consists of a seven-member volunteer board that meets quarterly, and with stakeholders upon request.
Project Partners:
Washington State Parks
Lewis County
City of Chehalis
City of Centralia
Trails we Support:
Willapa Hills Trail
Airport Levee Trail
Recreation Park Trails
Hub City Greenways